Friday, March 1, 2013


Pride.....this is a word no one likes to admit they struggle with.  It can be a very yucky word.  But truthfully I struggle with pride...probably daily.  But I don't want to....and thankfully I don't have to.  Our Savior is so gracious to leave us examples of how to live and we have the POWER of the Holy Spirit in us (as believers) to change.  I was studying John 13:1-17 (listening to Truth for Life) this morning and I was struck (again) by how humble Christ was.  I wanted to write down some things that really convicted me.

1.  To become us, human, was such a HUGE step down for him.  Philippians 2:7 "but (Jesus) made himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness."  Being human is nothing.  What I mean is how many times do we think we are all that....or are so great because we have done this and that?  What we constantly need to remind ourselves is that we exist solely for Christ - despite our gifts - and not be like the disciples arguing over who is greater.

2.  If anyone "deserved" anything, it was Christ himself.  He should of been in a palace with servants but here he was washing the feet of others.  He didn't "do" anything to receive praise from others but to just obey his Father in heaven.  Phil 2:8 "And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself and became obedient to death - even death on a cross!"  Being crucified was as humiliating as it could be.  He hung there while being mocked.

One quote that I heard really summed it all up for me....I will have to paraphrase it.  "Humility is freeing ourselves from our own pride, realizing we are not the center of the universe, and still doing the most mundane acts without recognition and all with having joy." 

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